[kj] Top 5 ... and albums?

Peter Moltesen moltesen at freenetname.co.uk
Wed May 11 15:42:45 EDT 2005

 top 5 albums.............
1. Democracy - I know theres all sorts of quibbles about the mix, but I
still love this album. Not a bad song on it (though the odd naff lyric), and
the Geordie Guitar Orchestra, acoustic and all is simply breathtaking.

2.Pandemonium - again every song a winner. I've been playing this a lot
lately. The intro/outro drone to Communion has been playing repeatedly in my
head for the last couple of days

 3. Nighttime - I never used to be that bothered about this one - I've only
really started to listen to it recently and it sounds good to these ears -
especially Darkness before Dawn and Tabazan. And I don't care what anyone
says, Love like Blood was a great single :o)

 4. whats THIS for ? - this sounds best played really loud when I'm feeling
pissed off

5. assuming I can't include the compilation I made of all the Malicious
Damage stuff (fits neatly onto an 80 minute CD) I'll go for Revelations for
all the usual reasons. I like Conny Plank's harsh production on this as

as for top mammaries, well mostly non celebrity ones :o)


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