[kj] Nightime is better

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sat May 21 23:55:14 EDT 2005

I think it depends on the band, depends on the
situation. KJ definately does not translate well in a
daytime, outside kind of thing. Lorelei is proof of
that, as well as the totally boring phoenix festival
footage. Although, i do remember seeing some really
interesting and funny footage of them playing in
Toronto at some outdoor festival in 1981 or 82. It was
in the middle of the summer and everyone was out in
droves in there shorts and t-shirts, drinking and
having a good time, and here's this footage of Killing
Joke plowing through The Wait, Jaz in full on
angry-mode and Youth wearing a HEAVY beige trenchcoat
and a totally blank look on his face. Kind of awesome.


--- "peter.west410" <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com>

> Maize
> I really dislike concerts in the daytime or with the
> lights on.Live music should be listened to in the
> dark.Has anyone ever seen and enjoyed a band playing
> in the daytime?Where there has been a good
> atmosphere.
>      All the festivals i ve seen on TV look really
> dull.With the audience gormlessly watching with no
> enthusiasm.
>       PW
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