[kj] Sunday rant

The Resistance resistcorruption at gmail.com
Sun May 29 17:48:28 EDT 2005

- Excellent website Jester - much more practical and KJ than the former 
 - The Seeing Red video was much better than Loose Cannon as it had Jaz in 
it but it was really nothing more than a fly through which any berk could 
knock together with 3D software, KJ need to dig deeper into their fans which 
are an asset. There are probably people on this list that could have done a 
lot better (don't include myself in that) 
 - Big Brother - we are becoming a culture of indecency, the gutter press, 
reality t.v. etc. I never watch this sad shit. I have to quote Strauss again 
(although I still haven't got my hands on any) liberal democracy has failed 
leaving nihilism in it's wake. We can only hope that the powers that be 
reinforce our conditioning in education rather than let this crass 
hedonisitic anything that turns you on, hold sway. Many positive things have 
come out of liberal 'democracy', reality t.v. is not one of them so don't 
watch it.
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