[kj] the league of ordinary armageddon
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 8 09:11:34 EST 2005
Silly me, and I here I was thinking poor Peter West was the stupidest,
most irritating person on the Gathering when it turns out it was
Sgt.Dregs all along.
Alex in NYC
On Tuesday, November 8, 2005, at 07:38 AM, Sergt. Dregs wrote:
> --- Tim Bucknall <tim.bucknall at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> so everyone in the WTC commited Crimes against the
>> human race?
> I never wrote that
> You'd make a good cop/politician!
> , even the
>> Poorly Paid Hispanic Cleaners?
> Imagine lowering yourself to doing that all day!
> Quite pathetic.
> I'd want to die if that was all my life had mounted to.
> Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine
> http://www.webinfo.co.uk/crackedmachine
> Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
> Patriotism is a vile thing, a low trick designed for low mentality.
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