[kj] Re: KJ DVD availability.

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Tue Nov 8 15:28:11 EST 2005

> I need a knowledgeable agent that *knows my taste* and will find records
from groups noone have ever written about, and that kick ass.
******Okay then, list the last five records that you have bought, that
"no-one has ever written about and kick ass". Let us all see if your
argument is valid

My liking
> of music is ever expanding, but I only buy music I love and I fall in
> love every day.
*******Wheres that violin sound coming from?**********

 There's so many records and so little time. So what if
> 95% is shite, I get the remaining 5%.
********* "shite" and good are a matter of taste. For you to imply that YOU
get the good 5% and everyone else gets the other 95% is a rather conceited
and elitist way of thinking*********

 I especially like rare records that
> people like you don't even know have been released.
******Now that is elitist. Do you like the records because they are rare and
not many people own it? Do you consider yourself special and "in the know"
because you have a record that I ve never heard of ?
Do you purchase records for vanity , does it make you better than the

 No doubt you're the kind of person that only buy what you already heard
because it makes you feel "safe". Perhaps even only stuff that have been
played on radio or on MTV?

******There is no set criteria for my purchase of records. I do not watch
MTV, but if I did , I would have no hesitation of buying a CD of a band who
were on MTV*************

> For me Killing Joke is (or at least was) the exact opposite of that
> position. If they (KJ) can't continue to take me where I haven't been
> they are of no interest to me.
********KJ are a band, not a taxi service. To say that music takes you
places is quite cringeworthy**********

 I've had my doubts for long time, but I
> want to keep an eye on them now and then, as they were one of the first
> to heavily influence my taste .
> And my favourite position, mate, is behind the counter digging up the
> crates, banging the sounds on the instore sound system, before the
> friendly "shop assistants" get to them. This is clearly something you
> will never understand.
********* I can understand why you are doing it , but cannot understand why
you would WANT to do it*******

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