[kj] Primitive Suicide Bomb

Paul Rangecroft paul.rangecroft at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 04:39:03 EST 2005

i've got a better idea: jaz should indeed form his own island cuntry - with
a population of one.
 at least we should be able to stop the pillock coming back into the UK with
these new anti-terror laws. or lock him up for 90 days if he does slip
through the net. someone forward that mp3 to charles clarke, please.
 actually, on second thoughts, i wouldn't want those who ordered GEMS OF
POWER to unwittingly end up on some sort of blacklist. probably best to
leave it (for now).
 On 11/8/05, peter.west410 <peter.west410 at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> "But I always thought Jaz was WAITing for the end of
> this pathetic society, to laugh in the ruins and start
> something new and PRIMITIVE there?"
> Dregs, you complete gullible moron, do you really believe that the whole
> world will end, and the only people left standing will be Killing joke
> fans!!!!!!!!..............And Jaz will lead us all to a new dawn
> ...........and we will all live happily ever after(in an eco friendly
> way)!!!!!!!!!!!
> Fark that: Can you imagine Myself, Mel , Rangecroft and Jester all trying
> to
> co-habitate!!!!!!!!
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