[kj] Unspeakable Suicide Bomb Bitching
pmdavies at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 11:27:08 EST 2005
>And you can all sit at your terminals clacking keys
about the dubious morality of suicide bombers until
the cows explode, but you aren't changing anything are
If you are all so damned concerned about it, maybe you
should be asking yourselves:
Why are there suicide bombers?
What can be done to prevent this phenomenon?>
Well there are people who feel so disenfranchised with society that they
dont really care about humanity other than for their own selfish reasoning.
Now part of this discussion is because you yourself have clearly indicated
that you care little for human suffering (dont know the reason for feeling
the need to defend Jaz though as that sort of defies the logic of the
previous stance).
Ultimately it doesnt really mean much to me what you do as its
insignificant other than being somewhat abusive on a sharepoint. But while
you wallow in the reaction to your clacking of the keyboards make sure that
you are no different to the attention seeking antics of Peter West. The two
of you are the same with a different mask. peters just more honest about it.
What can be done? With you probably little as you are too caught up in your
ego to see from outside. The hedonistic lifestyle you boast about,
piggybacked on middle class privilege, means that you look down on people
who simply work to support their families, the basic essence of human
survival. You support it by a fantasy of hero worship from the - alleged -
'lookalike' Jaz leather coat to a fetish about Jaz that mimics the delusion
of a crazed stalker
Now you are so 'on the edge' to promote gigs in someones living room but
really you simply suck on others egos to feed your ego and greed with the
subsequent audacity when people look at you and shout "Look! The emperor has
no clothes!" you cant hear them because the noise you are making about
yourself is drowning out the cries.
Now with these questions you attempt to conceal yourself as an intellectual
when in fact you are blind to the fact that these questions are about you.
You joined a community and they seem to be rejecting you again Graeme - it
cant always be everyone elses fault all of the time.
The answers are simple, it comes from within. All the different faiths have
that common thread that people overlook. The answer is within and until you
stop running from it then you will never have that peace. how can you sort
out the world if you cant sort out yourself? how can there be peace in the
world if you have no peace of mind? How can you love if you hate yourself?
Your search for immortality is only another form of the desire for the
continuance of self-defensive reactions against life and intelligence. Such
a craving can only lead to illusion. So what matters is not whether there is
reincarnation, but to realize complete fulfillment in the present. And you
can do that only when your mind and heart are no longer protecting
themselves against life. The mind is cunning and subtle in its self-defense,
and it must discern for itself the illusory nature of self-protection. This
means that you must think and act completely anew. You must liberate
yourself from the net of false values which environment has imposed upon
you. There must be utter nakedness. Then there is immortality, reality.
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