[kj] On topic- sorry to intrude

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 20 04:21:46 EST 2005

Check out this touchy motherfucker.

--- Mikael Byström <mikael.bystrom at punkass.com> wrote:

> Phillipps Marc said:
> >Did I compare?
> Yes, as I clearly did NOT ask for MP3s, which would
> indicate for most
> people I'd want something for free. I asked for high
> quality, something
> most people would associate with purchasing the
> music. As you presented
> me with a stupid Mp3 link, you implicitly conveyed
> the message that "this
> must be as good as what you asked for". It's like if
> I asked for the US
> release of something and you decide to supply a link
> for the UK release.
> Stupid.
> >If you want decent sound quality go to a music shop
> (or Amazon etc) and buy
> >the CD like the rest of us . . 
> This is the middle ages now? Like it as an absolute
> impossibility that KJ
> could coooperate with whatever commercial online
> vendor to sell their
> Album in Wave/AIFF or Flac? I'd settle for AAC at
> the ITMS, if there's
> nothing else. But I only found the XXV Gathering
> there now. Too bad!
> If I wanted free, which you imply in your latest
> message, I'd get Mp3s on
> soulseek.
> I'm not prepared to purchase the album on plastic,
> as I haven't liked
> what I heard so far that much. But if I can purchase
> it online in a well
> sounding format, at typical downloadable album
> prices, I'd be willing to
> invest that for a band I used to love every release
> from. 
> Don't anyone know if the 2003 Killing Joke is
> available in a high end
> format online?
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