[kj] On topic- sorry to intrude

Mikael Byström mikael.bystrom at punkass.com
Sun Nov 20 12:24:40 EST 2005

peter.west410 aka the kj list Troll said:

>Mikeal................and there you was telling us that you hear music
>before everyone elses does.............
Music, yes. Rock music. No. I never claimed to follow every genre. I was
mereley describing how I shop records. My records. My collection. Not yours. 

>How you are superior because you can
>listen to music before everyone elses does................and you are still
>trying to get hold of an album that was released in 2003!!!!!!!
I have NEVER claimed to be superior in any way. Yet again your poor
deductive skills show off far too clearly.

>The new album will be coming out soon........save your pennies for that.
Yes, OK. But I'd be willing to purchase both these albums online in a
high end format. But rather not CD if possible.

>You claimed that you "knew" which songs will be the next *hit*
This is incorrect. I said I could spot a hit when I hear it. If I choose
to move my attention to musical areas where this is not very likely
(obscure music), then I can't of course spot any hit, just among the
stuff I actually hear. Within the sub-genre, this is certainly possible,
but most often uninteresting.

Also, I didn't mean list hits as most records sold. My taste is better
than that. I meant tracks that go down a stormer in a club situation or
alternatively that would work on pirate radio. Perhaps I should have been
more clear on that.  
And if we're talking about lis hits, which we weren't, the last 5 years,
spotting a "hit" is an increasingly uninteresting activity. So why would
I bother?
I can spot characteristica of a hit in several genres, but not in all,
simply because I don't care and because I have experienced all kinds of
music. And I'm not perfect. When did I say I was? It was your projection
in your head that said that, it was not part of my actual message.

In addition, contrary to your implied belief, "spotting hits" isn't that
hard. Most people can learn that if they have a reason for it. It was
about paying attention, not your cup of tea. I was a DJ so it comes with
the territory.
Some of the abilities gained still hang around, such as that I can "hear"
qualities in music, that I don't particularly like, but that I know other
people will. So to some extent I can identify tracks that will sell, but
not as good as someone working on a record company as an AR, for example.
I simply don't care about it, nor do I have the time to pay attention.

If you had reason to pay attention, you can learn this as well, if you
had an inclination for it.
>yet you cannot give any examples, which leads me to the
>conclusion that you are full of shit.
Your input so far on the matter is simply not worthy of any examples and
even if I gave any they would be beside the point. It was you who made a
straw dog example that I refuse to play with. I never said what you seem
to think. So you have "proved" nothing beside that you show again and
again that you're nothing but a Troll, Peter. But you have written an
intelligent thing or two, even if I disagree with the vast majority of
our expressed opinions. So perhaps you could change if you wanted......

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