[kj] wabbly question

dub killingjoke.dub at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 15:04:48 EST 2005

Hi Greg,
I'm not a Brit, but yep, I've been to see Jah Wobble and The English Roots
Band, not exactly PiL in any way, but well worth a look.
I too would also recommend picking up the anthology, covers all the mans
career. Got mine autographed by the man himself. I think he was surprised at
the turn out for the show, but here (Ireland) he has worked with Sinéad
O'Conner (Invaders of the Heart - Visions of You) and the great Ronnie Drew
(Dubliners), this on the debut album for his own label 30Hertz "The Celtic
Poets", so some knew what to expect, but reason I say he may have been
surprised was the number of old punks there waiting for some PiL, which
there wasn't to be. He signed the autograph "Glad you came?", which of
course I was.
He still does, as far as I know, the Invaders of the Heart stuff live, with
a woman called Liz Carter on vocals, who has a superb voice. The pipe
player, Jean-Pierre Rasle, plays a selection of old French pipes, not to
dissimilar to our uilleann pipes, and the English, Northumbrian pipes and
one pipe that makes a fantastic noise, which he informed me was the original
saxophone. The drummer that was with them when I seen them was a fantastic,
whose style was not to dissimilar to a Jazz style, in fact the whole thing
smacks of Jazz, with Jah sitting through out and songs seeming to go on
longer than intended, with the musicians themselves enjoying the whole
experience. Also there is a guitarist, whose name escapes, but line up may
well have changed, but his playing blended perfectly with Jah's usual dub
style rolling sound.
Do go, do enjoy, but don't expect PiL.

Online check his own labels site for his back catalogue with this band: 
http://www.30hertzrecords.com/ or http://www.jahwobble.co.uk/


From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of GregSlawson at aol.com
Sent: 23 November 2005 7:59 PM
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] wabbly question

"Jah Wabble and the English Roots Band" is coming to my town soon. Any of
you Brits know anything about this lineup? I don't think I've seen his name
for 15 or 20 years, and I don't know if I've ever seen him play in Boston
(unless he's been in Pigface, who play here every few years). 

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