[kj] Failed Music Critics?

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 25 10:22:47 EST 2005

Earlier this week I chanced upon some unfounded gross
generalisation from Lord Geigh Newton, the man Alex
pumped full of gorm. It was something to the effect
that he considers all so called music critics to be
"failed musicians."

However, some music critics are not musicians at all,
and never have been. Others are practising musicians,
who may or may not have failed. For instance, I heard
music critic David Keenan successfully play guitar in
Taurpis Tula a few weeks ago.

By what criteria is a musician deemed to have failed



How many music critics has Geigh Newton met?

How many has he read?

How many has he never read?

How did he reach this conclusion or was it just a load
of ill informed opinionated bullshit?

The joke is on Geigh ultimately, as he seems like many
of you, to be a failed music critic. We all have such
fun spouting off on t'internet about music we like or
don't like, but the music critics get paid for doing
just that, get into gigs for free and get given lots
of promotional CDs.

No wonder Geigh seems so bitterly jealous. Maybe he
should try turning his hobby into a career?

(but the money's no good, just get a grip on yourself)

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