[kj] Failed Music Critics?
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 25 17:51:55 EST 2005
Shut up, you nobody.
Alex in NYC
On Friday, November 25, 2005, at 10:22 AM, Darth E. Vader wrote:
> Earlier this week I chanced upon some unfounded gross
> generalisation from Lord Geigh Newton, the man Alex
> pumped full of gorm. It was something to the effect
> that he considers all so called music critics to be
> "failed musicians."
> However, some music critics are not musicians at all,
> and never have been. Others are practising musicians,
> who may or may not have failed. For instance, I heard
> music critic David Keenan successfully play guitar in
> Taurpis Tula a few weeks ago.
> By what criteria is a musician deemed to have failed
> anyway?
> Artistic?
> Economic?
> How many music critics has Geigh Newton met?
> How many has he read?
> How many has he never read?
> How did he reach this conclusion or was it just a load
> of ill informed opinionated bullshit?
> The joke is on Geigh ultimately, as he seems like many
> of you, to be a failed music critic. We all have such
> fun spouting off on t'internet about music we like or
> don't like, but the music critics get paid for doing
> just that, get into gigs for free and get given lots
> of promotional CDs.
> No wonder Geigh seems so bitterly jealous. Maybe he
> should try turning his hobby into a career?
> (but the money's no good, just get a grip on yourself)
> Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine
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> Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
> Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
> But what the HELL?
> They talk to God!
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