[kj] A Question of Suffering
Darth E. Vader
crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Nov 28 10:46:22 EST 2005
Thanks for elucidating this question in an intelligent
manner. I'd lost this question beneath all of iPat's
mostly irrelevant pontification and other peoples'
trivial bitching.
This is a question which I can't really give you an
answer to as it's just too broad. The whole of human
I think it might be a disengenuous mistake for anyone
to think that they consider all human suffering on an
equal footing.
For example:
If Ian had a tragic accident which left him crippled,
you'd surely be much more devestated by that than if
the same thing happened to Peter West.
If a suicide bomber blew off Mike Coles' hands in an
act of malicious damage, I'm sure most of you would be
more upset than if the same fate befell some policeman
you'd never heard of.
If three dirty lab rats with bubonic plague bit Alex,
you'd probably be a lot more sympathetic to his
suffering than if the same thing happened to Dick
Cheney or the chairman of Monsanto.
Similarly, I was very sad about the death of John
Peel, but couldn't give a damn about George Best.
I don't worry about suicide bombers as I think you
have to get these things in proportion. In England
you're much more likely to die in a car crash, or by a
botched medical operation, or from cancer caused by
nuclear waste, or from thrombosis on a bargain air
flight, and I don't waste time worrying about any of
those things either.
I know more people who've had their arms torn off by
gorillas than I do people injured by suicide bombers!
What does concern me a little is the reaction to
suicide bombers from Tory Bliar and his cronies, using
it as an excuse to attempt to implement laws which
will inevitably be used to prevent any kind of
political dissent.
Can any of them honestly tell me how a dopey little ID
card is going to stop some fanatic with nothing left
to lose blowing himself up under my nose?
Batman Laughs at Buckingham Palace security!
What if he had been a suicide bomber?
It's still a big joke!
--- "Shadforth, Jane SUKOP-OFI/3521"
<jane.shadforth at shell.com> wrote:
> > Explain how you extrapolated from that the
> statement
> > that I don't care about human suffering.
> >
> > Why do I try to avoid buying products made in
> > sweatshops?
> >
> > Why did I donate money to help Jester pay for
> cancer
> > treatment?
> >
> > Why did I donate money to help the people injured
> by
> > the Pakistan earthquake?
> I think that's what we're all wondering - why do you
> care about some human suffering, but not others? I'm
> not saying you should care any more about the London
> bombings than other suffering, but to say you didn't
> care at all still makes no sense to me ...
> > I know Jane seemed a bit upset, and she is a
> > fundamentally decent person who I didn't mean to
> > offend,
> Upset or offended aren't really the words I'd use. I
> was more disappointed in somebody I thought I knew,
> confused by your contradictions and annoyed that you
> showed no regard for list members affected by your
> comments.
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