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woody2shooz at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Sep 27 13:21:35 EDT 2005
hey, what about Bummed? Happy Mondays finest piece of work, if you like
that sort of thing, which I do.
I'm going to put it on now
Alexander Smith wrote:
> I tried to enjoy the Happy Mondays way back when, but I just could not
> see the appeal. I suppose "Step On" is a decent single, but that has
> precious little to do with Ryder's contributions. He's the weakest
> link in the chain.
> And yes, "Dare" would benefit greatly from removing Shaun from the mix.
> Alex in NYC
> On Tuesday, September 27, 2005, at 12:04 PM, Jim Harper wrote:
> That single's great, from the Gorillaz side of things, but Shaun
> Ryder's presence merely highlights the fact that he's been a
> complete waste of space for nearly a decade now. Why bother? It's
> a fantastic single, and Ryder is completely surplus to requirements.
> */Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>/* wrote:
> 6. DEMON DAYS by the Gorillaz (which I didn't expect to like, but was
> suckered in by the single "Dare").
> Alex in NYC
> <image.tiff>
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