[kj] 24 million people....................

peter.west410 peter.west410 at ntlworld.com
Tue Sep 27 16:12:31 EDT 2005

"Did you try Canada?"

         Isn't that in the Americas?

"this rings about the same as some redneck from the states given all the
reasons why he doesn't want to leave "Uhmurican" soil."

        Do Rednecks really say that they have been to all the countries that
they wish to go to ,and have no desire to visit anymore?

"By the way Pete, how can you know the truth about a place, if you've never
been there, or have no interest in it?"

       Common sense, the human body cannot survive on half a litre a day for
prolonged periods in hot climates, I said that I have no interest in going
there, which is not the same as saying that you have no interest in the
country at all , now is it?

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