[kj] partisan webnonsense - Matt

FLIGHT BRINGER flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Apr 1 04:02:10 EST 2006

"True, the out of pocket expenses people have had is not on."

   Every individual is in charge of their own finances, how they choose to 
spend their own money is down to them. Jester choose to spend his money 
hosting KJs website, no one asked him, it was his own choice. With his 
monetary outlay bought him the prestige of being the official Killing joke 
webmaster and it stoked his ego and elevated him to "Colesy" status, shall 
we say. Without his website he would have been just another fan.
    I do believe that he ran the website to further his own interests, 
rather than further Killing jokes interests . The way he is messing about 
with it now, seems to prove this. If it was just another fan site then he 
would be within his rights to do what he pleases, but as its the Official 
website he has no right to sabotage it . Why doesn't he just take the site 
down if thats his desire , rather than put spiteful links in its place?
   A friend of mine gave me some advice when I was younger: Be respectful  
to people when you are on the way up, because you will meet them again when 
you are on  the way down.
   This is just a Killing Joke issue. On a personal issue I wish Jester all 
the best . I dont wish misfortune on anyone and I wish him a speedy 

>From: "Rob's Arse" <joker at Z6.COM>
>Reply-To: joker at Z6.com, "A list about all things Killing Joke (the 
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: <gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: Re: [kj] partisan webnonsense - Matt
>Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 00:18:37 -0800 (PST)
>Come off it. Managing Killing Joke - three VERY different and powerful egos 
>is like juggling with knives.
>Matt kind of fell into it after KJ sacked Grand Union. Maybe no-one else 
>will manage them. Maybe Jaz has pissed off so many pople that he is now 
>True, the out of pocket expenses people have had is not on. Nor is Gems and 
>I think that something should be done. Killing Joke have forgotten about 
>the "family".
>But these seem to be the terms of contract. If we accept them, then that it 
>is. If we do not accept them, then we have a choice too.
>You still cannot blame Matt for all this. He put the tour back ON! As of 
>two weeks ago Jaz was NOT touring "shout,shout, rant, rant". Maybe he is 
>not Mr Music Biz, but at leats he is willing to do something.
>It's not perfect, but hen it is Killing Joke!!

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