[kj] Invocation
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 4 19:09:28 EDT 2006
It just sounds like yet another tired old takeoff on
Kashmir. No amount of equipment can make up for that.
You're right about KJ2003 being in a different league
--- FLIGHT BRINGER <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk>
> How can you say that about Invocation? Invocation is
> a masterpiece. It
> combines a hard hitting sound with the exquisiteness
> of orchestra . I ve
> heard many other bands try to do this and fail
> miserably, but now KJ have
> finally cracked it. There are so many different
> sounds in there, yet they
> combine gracefully. I can only assume that you are
> listening on substandard
> equipment .
> It will grow on you, trust me it will , if you
> give it a chance. This is
> in a different league to KJ 2003
> >From: Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke
> (the
> >band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
> >To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
> band!)"
> ><gathering at misera.net>
> >Subject: Re: [kj] NEW ALBUM - lengthy longnessness
> >Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 15:54:18 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >And i couldn't agree more with Alex's take.
> >
> >I'm shocked, not only by how much everyone is
> digging
> >the new album but also by just how highly everyone
> is
> >rating it. Especially over KJ2003 which most people
> >don't seem too impressed with. To me, KJ2003 was
> and
> >still is a fantastic effort and the strongest album
> >since Extremeties. It's focused, vibrant, memorable
> >and low on filler.
> >
> >Hosannas is muddled, aimless, and mostly
> forgettable
> >exactly the same way both Pandemonium and Democracy
> >are. There are a few good songs (the title track,
> >Majestic and Walking With Gods), at least one
> >unlistenable (Invocation), and the rest fall in
> with
> >stuff like Pleasures of the Flesh, the category
> being
> >"Songs I Never Have To Hear Again In My Life". I
> mean,
> >really, what is there to be gleaned from This
> Tribal
> >Antidote or Light Bringer? There are some nice
> parts,
> >sure, and i suppose it's better than what a lot of
> >other bands have to offer but...does that make it
> >good? Or essential?
> >
> >I think i'm just jealous. Everyone's enjoying
> >
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