[kj] OT How does the mind work?

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Apr 7 19:02:25 EDT 2006

Unlike your English, my Japanese is just fine. As everyone on this list is painfully aware, without getting yourself a 'brain double' to do the hard work for you (and the simple stuff too, actually), there's no way you're going to be having an intelligent conversation with anyone Peter.
  FLIGHT BRINGER <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
  ( I meant letters, not words)

" According to Peter, you don't need to know the meaning of the words to 
understand what he's saying!"
But this is true, Japanese only read amount 60% of the words 
(characters) to understand the meaning of the sentence. That is how they 
speed read. But I do feel that it is beyond your grasp of understanding, a 
bit out of your depth. Learn to speak Japanese then we can have an 
intelligent discussion , until then stick to "Yawn".
Of course you have to understand the important words, but not the 
unimportant ones

" According to Peter, a character in Japanese is the same as a word"

This is correct, one Japanese character is equivalent to one word in 
English. For example : "House " is just one character(letter, picture, 
drawing or whatever) in Japanese , whilst its five letters in English
One character in Kanji (Japanese/Chinese) is the equivalent to one word in 

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