[kj] OT: the b-word

Neil Perry neilfperry at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 8 08:42:07 EDT 2006

Happy B-Day Jerry.
C'mon, let's have your considered views on the new
(As I know that's how you want to spend your
Have fun

--- Jerry Butson <bernies at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Can I interrupt this festivities for a second to
> invoke some purely self-indulgent back-slapping?
> It's me 40th b-day today!
> T'would have been nice of t' Joke to play on Thurs
> night but never mind, looking forward to the 2nd May
> (should take me mind off the 7th anniversary of me
> dear old ma's untimely demise). Assuming the gig's
> still on...
> New album? Pleasantly reminiscent of their finest,
> more proggy, moments. T'will come back wioth a more
> considered rant when time allows.
> Cheers,
> jerry>
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