[kj] KILLING-JOKE.NET & COMMUNION Message boards
wardance at wardance.net
Tue Apr 11 10:23:11 EDT 2006
For information, a new statement by BINKY HARKONNEN :
[QUOTE]<"During the short life of Communion the Mojicas (both of them) made no fewer than seventeen clandestine attempts to infiltrate the board. There were no direct and open attempts: Everything was done using dummy e-mail accounts and re-routed IP addresses. Eventually, with a little know-how and some vigilance they were all traced back to Austin, Texas and in one instance to the master server of Wachovia bank (Elana Mojica's employers). The twenty-four hours before Communion vanished marked the first day in which the Mojicas had not made any attempts to infiltrate the board. Suddenly the board vanishes: Coincidence? Then suddenly www.killing-joke.net went down with hacking issues just a few short hours later: Coincidence?
Initially The Hierophant took steps to keep the Mojica-bashing to a minimum: He created The House that Pain Built specifically as an area to which such material could be moved without having to start wholesale deletions. As the continual efforts at indirect and clandestine infiltration continued and people's loathing of Mojica started to escalate eventually The Hierophant decided to just let it run, but for the most part managed to isolate it to the 'Raven is a Cunt' thread in The House that Pain Built' (the member 'Monkey' had initially spammed every section of the message board with his Mojica-hatred and The Hierophant deleted almost all of the posts, fianlly being forced to terminate the 'Monkey' account because of the continual unproductive posting).
Under the Proboards Terms of Service it is possible for a message board to be terminated without warning if a complaint is made claiming defamation or harrassment. All Mojica needed to do was play his usual cancer sob story card.
Whilst The Hierophant is not particularly bothered by all this (hence his decision to hand over the board to other parties), he wishes it to be known that Communion can be restarted at just a few hours notice if enough interest is there. ">[/QUOTE]
Be warned : it is absolutely pointless to try to take me again in this endless debate.
I've already expressed my own viewpoint, and I've already said all I wished to say on this subject. Those are just useful details given by Binky.
And I trust him. I do not wish to enter again in an endless debate with SHIT BRINGER nor with any other follower from the defunct Church of Jesterology.
It must be clear to everyone that the message above has been posted for information only. So don't try to harass me about all that, I won't even respond. This is the end of this debate, as far as I am concerned.Thanks for understanding.
Websites :
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Harper
To: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk ; A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 4:37 PM
Subject: RE: [kj] KILLING-JOKE.NET
If Joe did this, I can seeing it being about competition- I mean, Joe doesn't even run a KJ website any more. Even if he was paranoid enough to want to knock out other websites, it doesn't make much sense to do it when you're out of the game.
ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
Ask yourself - why would english speakers consider a french language site as
competition? That's all I can assume you mean by pointing at Jester as the
culprit. Do you have any IP's / evidence?
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
[mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of BLACKLIGHT
Sent: 08 April 2006 14:04
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: [kj] KILLING-JOKE.NET
WWW.KILLING-JOKE.NET is now back online.
Fuck the hackers.
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