Fwd: [kj] Uk Holiday

cliff at killing-joke.com cliff at killing-joke.com
Tue Apr 11 11:31:09 EDT 2006

yes would've been great to meetcha,maybe next time then.
the wife took a lot of photo's,now i have to get them off her,and post em
somewhere,wish me luck,cheers,CliffMonk-A

Quoting Wrightdvdw at aol.com:

> Cliff sorry I missed the event and meeting up with you lot,due to new
> working commitments I have one day off a week so my social life is almost non
> existant -never mind. At least its doing me some good I have lost  
> almost 2 stone
> in weight over the past 3 months, feel knackered at the end  of the 
> day but at
> least I am feeling fitter if not f*cked!! Did any one  take photos ??
> Dave

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