[kj] The Lightbringer (questions)

James Osborne rush_me_away at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 13:35:08 EDT 2006

So I finally got my CD from Cooking Vinyl today. I guess the mailman  said that he has had the package for sometime but was not leaving it  because it would not fit in the box. Anyway...
  Read through the lyrics. Somewhat different from the last album, I  think I like the lyrics a bit more on KJ2003 but we'll have to see as I  sink them in more.
  My big question is on The Lightbringer. Now, I know Lightbringer is a  reference to Satan/Lucifer or whatever. But the part where it talks  about the rebelious spirit and being filled with that spirit...is Jaz  talking about being filled with Lucifer's spirit literally or the  rebelious nature of that spirit?

James "Bruce" Osborne
rush_me_away at yahoo.com
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