[kj] Re: antwerp report "petrol"
Stephen Robinson
heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Apr 15 16:09:10 EDT 2006
No, I'm going to say what I talked myself after thinking about it, I do not
want to hear these songs played again. For at least 5 years.
The Wait, etc is a good song, however it is not better than Madness, The
Hum, Walking with Gods, and loads of others.
> Hang on, that's a double negative, I'll have to think about that one,
> but the answer is, I do NOT want to hear:
> Requiem
> Wardance
> The Wait
> Bloodsport
> Change
> Complications.
> every, sodding time.
>> I totally agree as I've been saying...but you can't tell me you ever
>> get sick of hearing Requiem live?
>> Stephen Robinson <heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>> With the exception of Frenzy, Primitive and the ones of the new
>> album, what a depressingly predictiable set list.
>> ---------------------------
>> James "Bruce" Osborne
>> rush_me_away at yahoo.com
>> www.circlewithadot.net -> information on obscure japanese artists
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I wrote this on my Amiga One runing OS4, now with Screen Dragging!
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