[kj] Re: Set-List
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 18 11:40:34 EDT 2006
That's what I meant by pheasable. You'll never go to a
KJ show and not hear these songs.
--- Stephen Robinson
<heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > Requiem, Wardance, The Wait (they kind of have to
> play
> > these)
> Why?
> They've only become sigature choons, because they've
> played then day in day
> out sinve 1979 or whateva. If anything most people
> still think of Love Like
> Blood or eighties.
> They've managed to avoid the Who neightmair of My
> Generation/Won't get
> fooled again every sodding time with those two, so
> why do they have to drag
> out Requiem out every night?
> Don't get me wrong, Requiem, Wqrdance, the Wait are
> good songs, but they are
> not head and shoulders over the rest of the
> Catogure.
> --
> I wrote this on my Amiga One runing OS4, now with
> screen dragging
> http://os4.hyperion-entertainment.biz/
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