[kj] Hosannas: what's not to like?

nicholas fitzpatrick gasw30 at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 21 04:16:54 EDT 2006

As far as the debate goes about Jaz's voice, I believe the primary influence 
on the way he sounds these days is food - or rather too much of it. If you 
listen to 'This Tribal Antidote', Jaz sounds like he's just stumbled out of 
a restaurant after a particularly copious meal, feeling bloated. He should 
have skipped dessert.

>From: "Rob's Arse" <joker at Z6.com>
>Reply-To: joker at Z6.com, "A list about all things Killing Joke (the 
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: <gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: Re: [kj] Hosannas: what's not to like?
>Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 14:50:08 -0700
>Totally disagree Mark. Sorry!
>Jaz has not done it for 27 yeras. Don't forget the HUGE gap between 
>Democracy and 2003 when he wasn't warbling a damn note!
>That's like saying it would be OK if Geordie cut a finger off. It's his 
>instrument and he should take more care. But he CAN still sing. Universe B 
>shows that and so does Gratitude. Live? He should invest in "in ear" 
>monitors. He alays complains that he can't hear it enough. these do the 
>trick and would also help with his pitching. No more finger in the ear Mr 
>More effort. That' all.
>--- mkolmar at gmail.com wrote:
>After some 27 years as a punk singer, Jaz has earned the right to
>sound like Lemmy.  Maybe he should have taken better care of his
>throat, but that's a moot point now.
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