[kj] Hosannas was released in the `states today
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 23 09:32:19 EDT 2006
If I had to guess, I'd suggest Paul Raven probably left the fold
(again) due to the incompetence of the `Joke's financial
"management." Given Raven's tireless work ethic (and the fact that he
has several little mouths to feed) -- I'd imagine Raven went where he
felt his efforts would be best compensated -- and given KJ's ass-
backwards handling of monetary matters, Raven knew an impending
fiasco when he saw it.
That's my theory, anyway. I think the "psychiatric issues" thing was
just a nasty parting shot and a purposely vague ruse (sort've like
citing "irreconcilable differences" in a divorce).
On Apr 23, 2006, at 12:57 AM, Leigh Newton wrote:
> I think maybe he made the decision to leave right
> after hearing the final mix of the new album for the
> first time.
> Leigh
> --- CEPLASTER at aol.com wrote:
>> Just to add a little input to the "available in the
>> states" issue. I walked
>> into Newbury comics
>> first thing in the morning on tuesday (18) and it
>> was there waiting for me.
>> For any of you in the Boston area, that is the first
>> place to go if you are
>> looking for a copy of said new disk.
>> On a different note, has there been any
>> further info on why Raven
>> bailed out? Obviously
>> there were some scheduling conflicts between KJ and
>> the new ministry tour,
>> but that surely isn't the whole picture. Also, has
>> there been any mention
>> about the "psychiatric issues" that delayed the
>> tour?
>> Kind of ironic that Raven jumped ship from
>> one group of loonies just
>> to join up with another bunch of people with
>> "reliability" issues. No
>> question that there's an interesting story here.
>> Anyone got any insight on this?
>> thanks, Carl P
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