[kj] Hosannas my favorite KJ album

S. Sorensen kingofpotassium at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 27 17:57:31 EDT 2006

Well, I know it's probably uncool to be so positive,
but Hosannas is my favorite KJ album to date. I've
listened to it a lot and it is just an amazing piece
of work. I'm not crazy about the mix, but it reminds
in a lot of ways of Democracy. There's a very special
magic to this album that I can't put into words.

As far as the live stuff- I 've never thought of them
as a studio band, not a stage band. I saw them all the
way back in 1982 and I wasn't blown away. I was a bit
miffed that they cancelled at the last minute the last
time I went to see them in 2003. That being said I
treasure my Manchester 2003 boot and I enjoyed the
fabchannel show.

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