[kj] strange collaborations

Steve Hackett thepunisher at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Apr 29 04:08:19 EDT 2006

the Peel seeions box is superb value - you can get it about £18 for six cds
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Cooper" <mike at coopersurf.fsnet.co.uk>
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" 
<gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] strange collaborations

> Over the past 18 months or so I have got really really deeply into the 
> Fall and been collecting their stuff like mad. Bit like Frank Skinner. 
> Partly coz there is bugger all else about!
> Anyway I found I like all eras of them and not just the early stuff.  Got 
> one recently called "Wonderful and Frightening World of...." whcih is an 
> excellent album and I think a compilation of 12's".  Three of the tracks 
> have Gavin Friday singing.  Now call me old fashioned but I do find it 
> hard to imagine the rather straight laced Mr Smith singing with Gavin 
> Friday and was a tad surprised.
> It got me wondering what other strange mixtures have there been?  I am 
> sure I saw Elton John once singing with Enimem recently - bit odd.
> Any others?????????????
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