[KJ] KJ & Pink????
sakarijuola at netti.fi
sakarijuola at netti.fi
Sun Apr 30 04:50:14 EDT 2006
So is it Aguilera or Pink. I've had it on mp3 for some time and my 12 year-old daughter loves it. Now I told her I heard it's Pink, not Aguilera, but she is very much convinced it IS Aguilera. I haven't listened to those ladies enough to say anything...!
> There was a mash up of an Aguilara and Love Like Blood by some DJ. Pink
> just released an album - maybe she recorded a KJ tune as a bside or
> something?
> Alexander Smith wrote:
> >
> > Hey Stephane (and anyone else who know about it) ---
> >
> > Can you tell me more about this Pink cover (or is it a mash-up?)
> > What's its origin? How did you come across it? The only reason I ask
> > is because the mere mention of Pink in my article about the `Joke
> > could give it a longer life-span on MTVNews.Com (because, as tragic
> > as it is, the "kids" care about Pink -- - god knows fucking why!
> > Death cannot come swiftly enough to her, as far as I'm concerned).
> > Anyway -- lemme know when you can. Cheers!
> >
> > Alex in NYC
> >
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