[kj] OT Stupid
nicholas fitzpatrick
gasw30 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 25 10:59:06 EDT 2006
My love of this land...
>From: "Darth E. Vader" <crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk>
>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
><gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: [kj] OT Stupid
>Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:56:07 +0100 (BST)
> 'I can't believe the authorities stood idly by and
> bride killer Terry Rogers starve himself to death.
>What sort
> of precedent has this set? Anyone hell-bent on
>murder will
> know they have an easy way out of a lengthy
> - Chris Robbins, Nottingham,
>Sun letters
> 'Richard Smith, 77, "always votes BNP" because
>there are too
> many foreigners in the country. He says "they"
>burgled him
> four weeks ago. Asked how he knew it was "them", he
>said: "We
> knew by the big foot mark. I can't see many English
> having feet as big as that."'
> - The Guardian
>Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine
>Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
>Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
>But what the HELL?
>They talk to God!
>Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use"
>The Wall Street Journal
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