[kj] World Destruction

Crack b.s.crack at generalmail.de
Mon Dec 4 14:28:44 EST 2006

"Communism has been the greatest social engineering experiment we
have ever seen. It failed utterly and in doing so it killed over
100,000,000 men, women, and children, not to mention the near
30,000,000 of its subjects that died in its often aggressive wars and
the rebellions it provoked."


Read that Greg and then you may understand when the alarm bells
start ringing when you say that you would like to do it all again, but
this time do it a bit differently .

Quoting GREG SLAWSON <gregslawson at msn.com>:



> The strides made for women had to be looked at in terms of what came

> before; they did make advances at those times in women's rights,

> although compared to the West today they don't seem as advanced. Even

> in Vietnam (my wife's from there), which went "communist" based on the

> Soviet model well after Russia abandoned anything close to communism,

> women are treated much closer to equals than in a country like India

> (which I've been to recently). As for famines, there were serious

> famines in China and Russia, but often they are exaggerated or

> attributed to the government rather than environmental factors. China

> in particular did a lot to lessen hunger. As for the Cultural

> Revolution (I think 1966-76 is the accepted time frame), it was a

> pretty wild, crazy time, but again the killings are always exaggerated.

> The largely student-led movemnt was trying to GET RID of corruption,

> inequality, and priveledge in the Communist Party, which I think we

> both agree was a good goal (they were very inconsistent in their

> approach). Finally, I strongly disagree with the notion that drug USERS

> were oppressed in China; in contrast, there was a great effort to

> rehabilitate (e.g., get integrated into society and the work force)

> addicts (1/3 of the Chinese population at the time), prostitutes, etc.

> I've even read this in the NY Times. They were pretty hash with the

> high-up drug dealers, but I think if we had the death penalty for big

> drug kingpins in the US (instead of for retarded men who kill one

> person, for example) there'd be a lot less violence in general. Anyway,

> sorry for rambling! Recommended books: "Away With All Pests" (by a

> Brit who actually lived in China and wrote about public health)

> ANything by Edgar Snow (another Brit, an industrialist, who wrote about

> Chinese industry) "Fanshen" (a great, fun book by an American

> agriculture expert who lived in a communist village) and, "The Origin

> of the Great Purges" by J. Arch Getty (based on real documented

> evidence)



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