[kj] Whaaaaaaaattt???

Alex Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 20 14:33:23 EST 2006

Most of my fellow Americans have appalling taste and low standards, that's why.

Alex in NYC

-----Original Message-----

>From: "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>

>Sent: Dec 20, 2006 9:35 AM

>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>

>Subject: Re: [kj] Whaaaaaaaattt???


>I simply don't understand folks who dislike Hosannas. As I mentioned

>before, seems to be mostly European or Brit folks who dislike it, in the

>reviews and Amazon comments I've read, for one. Americans seem to love

>it (like me). Amazon.co.uk -- all the reader/listeners reviews there are

>cranky and dissatisfied. The US Amazon site on the other hand is full of

>glowing, excited listener reviewers. I like the album a lot, from it's

>caustic, all-out sludge-fest of an opener, to it's 2nd song, an

>up-tempo, Discharge-ian thrasher, to the darker industrial stuff. It's

>fuckin' great. Like I said, I just wish the US release had "Universe B"

>on it -- another excellent song!





>Dave Noonan wrote:

>> Has the gathering turned into a wedding disco debating society or

>> summat...’Hosannas’ wasn’t THAT bad...that ABBA the Beatles, Boney M

>> et al are all purveyors of catchy pap tunes is beyond reproach but to

>> haggle over their various merits and deficiencies with such passion is

>> errr...starting to weird me out!!! Have I slipped into a parallel

>> universe????

>> Happy Christmas to you all and don’t you dare dust down those glittery

>> roller disco outfits...and never mind ABBA – how the fuck can anyone

>> not like ice cream!


>> Youth and Big Paul getting together is a positive start, hopefully it

>> will turn into an original line-up tour next year if his Jaziness gets

>> his shit together.


>> Still chuckling at ‘Plank Spanker – I hope I know what you mean!

>> --

>> *Dave

>> *Leeds

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