[kj] HOLD!! Transmission vs Killing Joke

mal spoor ms014a8768 at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Dec 29 17:18:48 EST 2006

I just preferred the Transmission album to Hosannas. I thought Hosannas was

-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On
Behalf Of jon chapman
Sent: 29 December 2006 21:22
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] HOLD!! Transmission vs Killing Joke

hold on hold on hold on hold on.

transmission/killing joke

for fucks sake if you prefer transmission to killing joke then go and .....
your mum,and your nan.

what are you lot turning into??


>From: "mal spoor" <ms014a8768 at blueyonder.co.uk>

>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the

>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>

>To: "'A list about all things Killing Joke (the

>band!)'"<gathering at misera.net>

>Subject: Re: [kj] Transmission vs Killing Joke

>Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 15:59:48 -0000


>Transmission is quite a refreshing turn, far better than Hosannas which was

>recorded as they felt they had to and the lack of inspiration was covered


>making 3 minute songs 12 hours long.


>-----Original Message-----

>From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On

>Behalf Of Jpwhkj at aol.com

>Sent: 29 December 2006 14:06

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: [kj] Transmission vs Killing Joke


>I was given the Transmission CD for Christmas, and have been listening to


>a lot. Of course, it's very different from KJ, but I suspect that I'll

>listen to it more often than Hosannas or KJ 2003 (can't remember when I


>put on the latter).


>What do other Gatherers prefer...?






>"Termite" <npscott at blueyonder.co.uk> writes:


> >BTW if anyone hasnt checked out the Transmission album, in my opinion it


>an excellent instrumental album, definitely worth checking out,


>if you like Joy Division/The Cure


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