[kj] OT : those infamous Jyllands-Posten cartoons ...

Scarlet lucyfyre at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 17:53:27 EST 2006

Very true, but let's not blame the religion on behalf of the people. Let's
blame the people on behalf of the religion.



On 2/3/06, iPat <pmdavies at gmail.com> wrote:
> "The question is: Is there not truth in religions, in theories, in ideals,
> in beliefs? Let us examine. What do we mean by religion? Surely, not
> organized religion, not Hinduism, Buddhism, or Christianity
> —which are all organized beliefs with their propaganda, conversion,
> proselytism, compulsion, and so on. Is there any truth in organized
> religion? It may engulf, enmesh truth, but the organized religion itself is
> not true. Therefore, organized religion is false, it separates man from man.
> You are a Muslim, I am a Hindu, another is a Christian or a Buddhist —and
> we are wrangling, butchering each other. Is there any truth in that? We are
> not discussing religion as the pursuit of truth, but we are considering if
> there is any truth in organized religion. We are so conditioned by organized
> religion to think there is truth in it that we have come to believe that by
> calling oneself a Hindu, one is somebody, or one will find God.
> How absurd, sir; to find God, to find reality, there must be virtue.
> Virtue is freedom, and only through freedom can truth be discovered—not
> when you are caught in the hands of organized religion, with its beliefs.
> And is there any truth in theories, in ideals, in beliefs? Why do you have
> beliefs? Obviously, because beliefs give you security, comfort, safety, a
> guide. In yourself you are frightened, you want to be protected, you want to
> lean on somebody, and therefore, you create the ideal, which prevents you
> from understanding that which is. Therefore, an ideal becomes a hindrance to
> action."
> Krishnamurti
> On 2/3/06, Scarlet <lucyfyre at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Joseph Cambell once said:
> >
> > Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood
> > metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors, interpreting
> > them as facts, then you are in trouble.
> > --
> > Pat
> >
> > For the discovery of truth there is no path…
> >
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