[kj] video

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 15:31:05 EST 2006

we'll probably miss since we'll all be out - what you americans call -

no live animals were used in that video, only dead ones........

On 2/7/06, gregslawson at aol.com <gregslawson at aol.com> wrote:
> Wow, just watched the new video at work--extremely poor quality on my
> computer, but it looked like a scene from the horror flick "Hostel"
> (supposedly the scariest movie ever  made). Jaz even ate some animal guts or
> something. Hard to make out individual gatherers, but looked like some folks
> were there. The video made a great song seem even better. Hopefully this
> will get on TV (what you Brits call "tele")!
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