[kj] System of A Down drummer said this about KJ

Jari Pakarinen jari.pakarinen at hotpop.com
Wed Feb 15 14:42:42 EST 2006


In DRUM! magazine, March 2006 no. 117 there's a interview with John  
Dolmayan, the drummer from System of a Down. He was asked to play  
drums for a couple of Killing Joke songs (doesn't say which songs,  
but I'd say it was for KJ2003). He said "I walked in and was ready to  
play something great for these songs". Rehearsed three weeks for the  
songs. Well, the producer was'nt happy with the results "it's not  
Killing Joke" which pissed Dolmayan off quite pleasantly.

I can't be arsed to write the whole thing here, you can read it up on  
the newstand, it's on page 58.

He did not end up on the record, but it would be great to hear his  
versions anyway.


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