[kj] Hosannas from the Basements of Hell single

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 16 11:29:29 EST 2006

Got a copy of the new single in the post from Bad Moon
on The Fifteenth. Reviewed it, but unfortunately the
deadline passed and the editor might've finished the
reviews page already... just got to hope he's waiting
on some late reviews.

Played it 2pm-9pm non-stop, but it wouldn't play on
the main stereo, only the little kitchen one. Maybe
there is some kind of copy protection on the CD, as
its usually those CDs that won't play on some
machines. I hope I don't run into the same problem
with the album!

The lead track you've probably all heard by now but
its a 4:39 radio edit. I was originally going to be
doing a radio show on the 13th but it got postponed,
so now I can play the new Killing Joke single. I'll
also play a track from the Teledubgnosis CD on
Malicious Damage. The two non-album tracks are both
well worth checking out. Afterburner is a fast
Whiteout type onslaught with Jaz cackling manically
about subliminals. Universe B is a more melodic ode to
alternatives. They're not quite up there with the main
song, but command a hell of a lot of repeat listening
anyhow. I think the moment that I really love is the
bit where the 'Sticks and Stones' chorus comes in and
the song flips into an Extremities/Night Time melody.
In the video version I thought Jaz was singing that
God was waiting in the Basement, but in this version
he seems to be singing that the Killing Joke is there.

Also got the two new Tom Verlaine albums on Thrill
Jockey which sounds fine.

Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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