[kj] Potential Heresy

Rob's Arse joker at Z6.com
Mon Feb 27 10:34:49 EST 2006

Who votes we kick him off?
I don't care what stress anyone is under.
This is unreasonable in the extreme.

The only way you can stay on here Smith is to finally admit that the Brits invented Punk and the Ramones are shite.

Now off with you boy!

--- Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:

From: Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 10:22:41 -0500
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)" <gathering at misera.net>
Subject: [kj] Potential Heresy

Okay, before I say this and get pelted with rocks and garbage and  
later crucified upside down after being dunked in a vat of my own  
tepid filth, I'd like to say in my defense that I'm not quite of  
sound mind these days give our scare earlier in the week. But I've  
had "Implosion" running through my head like mad over the past three  
days while running back and forth from home to hospital -- all the  
while not being able to put my finger on what OTHER song it reminded  
me of. Today, the wife's still in hospital, and Charlotte our 2 yr  
old is in daycare, so I have a fleeting moment's peace and quiet  
here. And it finally hit me.

Listen to the riff of "Implosion"

Listen to the riff of "Live Wire" by Motley Crue.

Sound familiar to you? Not exactly identical, mind you  
but........What do you think?

Alex in NYC

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