[kj] Hosannas.....sneak peak ..loose cannon anyone?

Paul Rangecroft paul.rangecroft at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 08:33:24 EST 2006

great chorus, really quite moving even at low quality. unimaginative verses
guitar-wise. similar to KJ2003 in that sense. drums sound better, i don't
think there was much chemistry with grohl. he may admire the band but in
truth they have little in common musically. vocals a bit "horse"!

i'm predicting best album since ED&VRE.

thanks, alex, for the link.

On 1/3/06, bluce ree <bluceree2003 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> that chorus is pretty special.  KJ2003 was definately
> the sound of Geordie coasting but this sounds way more
> inventive.  Really liking the bass as well.
> The drums sound more natural than KJ2003 as well
> (which sounded like the beats were written on a drum
> machine).
> If the rest of the album is this standard this will be
> the best album since Revelations.
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