[kj] Re: hosannas on slsk

Stephen Robinson heiferboy at robinsonworld.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Jan 4 09:34:24 EST 2006

To be fair they seems to be coming from the Industrial = TG, ie not the
verse,  lyrics, guitar, bass drums of Killing Joke. 

I love TG, I love KJ. differently of course. After all KJ never did a love
song, like United! 

Let's hope so, anyway I hope they wasn't a load of NIN fans...

> What do you expect man? That is what slsk has become. It isn't like the
>  good ol' days when you couldn't find shit like Britney Spears on it
>  because the only people on it shared good stuff. You are talking in a
>  room full of guys who probably think Fear Factory's Millenium is the
>  best shit ever without knowing the true author.
> bluce ree <bluceree2003 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote: okay...
> I asked around in slsk in a room called 'Industrial'. 
> What a mistake to make.
> so far I've had this...
> [Fritter Tot] Killing Joke? You gotta be kidding me.
> [Fritter Tot] Industrial has nothing to do with a
> shitty Post-Punk band that once featured the horrible
> Martin Atkins either 
> [PerpetualAmnesia] lollers killing joke
> [PerpetualAmnesia] OMG DAVE GROHL
> [Jim Goose] killing joke sounded like generic guitar
> rock the few times i cared to listen

I wrote this in Yam 2.5 Beta on my Amiga One runing Beta OS4, yep, that's a
whole lotta beta. And if the Amiga Reference has got you interested:

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