[kj] Prussian Blue vs Killing Joke

Papa Lazarou circuit_bender at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 4 16:17:55 EST 2006

you can thank consolidated for that one! 
  Jeff Mills is really nazi, don't ya know?  ;]

ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
      Heh heh.. an old mate of mine who was a bit right-on in his day had it on for Techno 'cos he thought it was goose-stepping music! NAZI techno!
    -----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of Scarlet
Sent: 04 January 2006 20:28
To: ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk; A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: [kj] Prussian Blue vs Killing Joke

  So...hears my funny for the morning.
  I am playing HOS in the Office, very loud (one of the benefits to my job, I get to work with great Sound Cards and play loud music on my PC in the pretence that I am testing the cards ;) Anyhoo...HOS is blasting out and my co-worker comes up to me, just as I am writing about Prussian Blue and he says "What's that Hitler music you're listening to." It really is a funny world ;) 
  And...HOS is awesome. Geordie is sublime. I am certainly hearing twangs of KJ03. Not too keen on the drums/drummer, but perhaps that's because I got spoiled with KJ03 where the drumming was just out of this world. Bass is bland, so I am hoping this is a rough mix. Jaz is intense, I especially like his voice on walking with the gods. And I don't think the songs are too long at all, they have a mesmerizing effect. Can't wait to buy the album..and I gotta get myself back to Europe to see 'em live again. It has been way too long, last time I saw the Jokers was at the Bierkeller in Bristol back in the early nineties (mind you I did get blessed by Jaz on stage that night ;) 
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