[kj] new album sneak-peak

GregSlawson at aol.com GregSlawson at aol.com
Tue Jan 17 16:55:52 EST 2006

Just got my sneak-peak copy of the new cd--thanks gracious Chris! There's 
definitely a song similar to "Intravenous", another with a "Sun Goes Down"-like 
beat, and "Invocation" is a bit like "Communion", but more symphonic and less 
dirge-like. I still think "Tribal" and "Implosion" are the 2 radio/singles 
friendly tracks. I like the way the keyboards are usually embedded deep in the 
mix, to help give the cd that heavy sound. But there's one thing people haven't 
mentioned: This album is fucking DARK! It makes "Extremities" and KJ2003 (it 
sounds like a cross between the two) seem like a peppy calypso dance party by 
comparison! The songwriting is more along the lines of "Take Take Take", that 
song from "Ha!" that nobody ever mentions. I think this album sounds like pure 
goth-metal, but that might not be fair since I listen to neither goth nor 
metal. In all, one of their best efforts, and I think the Joke are going to win 
over some new fans, especially among the kids who are used to their music dark 
and heavy. 
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