[kj] OT: Is Wattie From Exploited part of the NF?

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 08:33:34 EST 2006

i guess i never took any notice of the complexities of the Glasgow Edinburgh
stretch. I was friendly with the guy (name escapes me) who did Alternative
in Dunfermline but my energies were focussed on the 62 club in Aberdeen.
Many times we had young scottish bands which would end up in violence -
initiated by them - which wasnt really the scene up with us. We just stopped
using Ed/Glas bands and what you said probably explains why.

On 1/23/06, gingoblin at easynet.co.uk <gingoblin at easynet.co.uk> wrote:
> Plus of course there was major grief with the Livi Punx.  I remember
> running battles outside the Damned/Anti Nowhere League gig at the
> Odeon.   Glad to report many of these people are still around, and
> everyone
> gets on now.
> Found a good page on the Livi scene written by my mate Welshy...
> http://www.geocities.com/punkscenes/livingston.html
> Check out the quality artwork on the 1st Offence single!
> Dave
> --
> Pat
> For the discovery of truth there is no path…
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