[kj] Its not important for you to
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 25 18:57:18 EST 2006
Ranking Roger and Jaz are old friends -- would NOT have guessed that.
Alex in NYC
On Wednesday, January 25, 2006, at 05:36 PM, Mike Cooper wrote:
> I was once in a record store in Birmingham called Plastic Factory
> talking to Derek Pringle the crap England all round cricketer in the
> late 80's and early 1990's. Nice bloke a bit posh but good taste in
> music.
> I also bumped into Robert Plant in Dudley!!!! (JB's that is) full on,
> arms and hair everywhere - very friendly and chatty and bought me a
> pint. He would talk for ages with people.
> Rankin Roger from the Beat is a friend of mine - he is lovely and gave
> me a rude boy wallet which is wicked. He has got some great stories
> and is an old friend of Jaz.
> My best claim to fame is stopping a fight involving a member of
> Nalpalm Death and a drunken lout.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: LONESTYLE at aol.com
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [kj] Its not important for you to
> knowmyname...............................
> Was that Newberry Comics Greg? If so, that place is great!
> ~LB
> In a message dated 1/25/2006 11:37:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> gregslawson at aol.com writes:
> When I was about 16, i was shopping w/my Mom in Boston. We ended up in
> a well-known indie record store, and my mom waited by the door for
> me. She notied a wierd-looking tall guy at the checkout and whispered
> to me that there were some strange looking people in the store. It
> was Rick Ocasic (singer of crappy new-wave band the Cars).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LONESTYLE at aol.com
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Sent: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:49:12 EST
> Subject: RE: [kj] Its not important for you to know
> myname...............................
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> When I was 11, and I was visiting my relatives in Spring of 1979. My
> father and I were walking on E. 79th street.
> As I lagged behind I noticed this couple come out of this apartment
> building arm and arm. I stopped dead in my tracks and said out loud
> towards my Dad who was ahead..
> "Hey Dad! That was Paul & Linda McCartney!!"
> They both turned around, smiled & laughed at me still not missing a
> beat arm and arm. I was in awe!
> That was the most star struck moment I think I will ever have. And I
> remind you, that is someone who grew up in L.A. and went to school
> with actors daugther's & sons. ;)
> Cheers,
> ~ Lonely Boy
> In a message dated 1/25/2006 9:24:54 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> vassifer at earthlink.net writes:
> Another one: Two years ago, I'm in the Apple Store in Soho, looking at
> digital cameras. There's another guy there doing the same thing who
> looks remarkably familiar. We start comparing notes, talking about
> megapixels and such, and then it dawns on me, and I ask: "Waitaminute,
> are you the guitar player from Tommy Tutone?" For you UK'rs who may
> not be as familiar, Tommy Tutone was a one-hit-wonder band from the
> early 80's who are responsible for the single, "867-5309 Jenny". The
> guy looked alarmed and surprised. I was right (having recognized him
> --- though now much older -- from the single's video) I made his day.
> Alex in NYC
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