[kj] Stiff Little Fingers!

GREG SLAWSON GregSlawson at msn.com
Thu Jun 8 22:50:59 EDT 2006

Just saw SLF for maybe the 8th time. Usually the audiences are pretty tame at their Boston shows, and show their appreciation with polite applause and sing-alongs. Tonite the show was at a different club (same size but much louder) that previous shows. It was also all ages. And it was the opening show on their current US tour. It was like the early 80s--a moshpit, lots of sweat and ringing ears...THe original bass player is on this tour and was great, but I kind of miss Bruce Foxton...and they opened with TIN SOLDIER, YOU SIGNED AWAY YOUR NAAAAAAAAAAAAME! Not their best show, but the never disappoint.
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