[kj] Ministry/Raven is awesome
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 10 05:05:02 EDT 2006
Hey people. Just got back from seeing Ministry. It was
a fun show. They played lots of new stuff and lots of
the "hits". Raven was totally into it. Tommy Victor
was so metal and hasn't aged a day. Al looks old.
Slipknot drummer sucked ass. Anyways, the show was a
lot of fun and louder than fuck. Go check it out if
you can.
The real fun started after the show though. I was
walking with my friend towards his car when i spotted
Raven outside the tour-bus. I went over to say hi
really quick. I told him I was a Gatherer and blah
blah and the next thing i know, he's telling me and my
friend to follow him onto the bus. For the next 4
hours, he blew my head off with some of the craziest
stories I'd ever heard, both KJ and non-KJ related.
Seriously, one of the nicest, smartest, most savvy and
level-headed people in the world. Totally accomodating
and cool. Yep.
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