[kj] You guys are kind of bumming me out
wscheip1 at aol.com
wscheip1 at aol.com
Tue Jun 13 08:50:31 EDT 2006
Well, Geordie has gone down that road before. I remember him slagging Democracy saying "It sounded like it was recorded in a garage."
I just take it that everyone in the band has a different vision so no one is ever satisfied. Except Jaz for at least 12 months.
-----Original Message-----
From: Leigh Newton <angrytomhanks at yahoo.com>
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!) <gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 23:43:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [kj] You guys are kind of bumming me out
>From what I can gather, Raven's absence may not be
permanent. If the circumstances are right, he might
even be back by the end of the year. That's the
impression he gave me the other night. He also really
likes the new album but says the demos are way better
and the end result definately became unfocused.
--- Aja Navat <lilpalindrome at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I personally like Hosannas more than KJ2003 and was
> overjoyed when I heard the album for the first time
> because I felt that KJ had delivered way more than I
> had expected. I was even more happy that MY MOM even
> enjoys the album. My only problem with this album,
> as well as a few other KJ albums is the length of
> the songs. They just keep dragging them out and it
> is just getting annoying. Yet, I still love the new
> album as well as the other albums that I have issues
> with because of the length of the songs.
> But yes, the departure of Raven has deeply
> depressed me and made me wonder if it's worth
> wanting to see KJ play if they come to my town. But
> that's mainly because when I did see KJ play I was
> right infront of Raven and he "saved" me from this
> drunk British guy that kept slamming me into his
> monitor.
> "S. Sorensen" <kingofpotassium at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I don't know, all this bashing of Hosannas- are we
> listening to the same album? I am seriously loving
> this album and find it is an amazing soundtrack for
> physical exertion. It's a great record to move your
> old bones to, with those repetitive, crunchy
> grooves.
> I also think there is more of the classic KJ sound
> on
> this than we've heard in ages, especially the dance
> grooves in WWG and Lightbringer (which reminds me a
> lot of Wardance). Not only that, but I would put
> "Judas Goat" up alongside the very best the band has
> ever produced. That song is pure magic. Along with
> the
> new Mission of Burma album, I am in post-Punk
> heaven.
> Is everybody down on the band because Raven left? I
> like his playing, but I've never thought he's
> irreplacable. In fact, most people probably don't
> even
> notice the difference. If he wants to play with
> Ministry, more power to him. Give the new guy a
> chance. At least he has the look!
> As for Jaz and Geordie being a couple of flaky old
> nutters- is this something new? I think Jaz is more
> lucid than he's been in ages. And don't forget-
> they're musicians. Musicians are by nature the most
> annoying people on the planet, and the better the
> musician, the more annoying they tend to be.
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