[kj] You guys are kind of bumming me out

CEPLASTER at aol.com CEPLASTER at aol.com
Tue Jun 13 09:09:01 EDT 2006

       if Geordie complained that he thought  Democracy sounded like it was 
recorded in a garage,   the years must  have taken their toll on his standards, 
as Hosannas sounds like it was recorded  in a dungeon.  Mind you,  I have no 
problem with this, as I like the  album just fine,  I'm just pointing out the 
       Geordie, old buddy,  if this  recording stuff is as important to you 
as you say, I recommend putting your  energies into getting things to your 
liking while the recording is being done  and not waiting till the record's out to 
start griping.   Maybe you  guys might have to get back into a proper 
recording studio (like Townhouse in  London), write the songs BEFORE you get into the 
studio, cough up the cash for a  coherent producer (like Kimsey or Joe 
Barresi (new tool)  who won't put up  with your drunken binges and keep you guys on 
track.  The band doesn't seem  to do a good job keeping each other in check, 
in fact quite the opposite.   Maybe it's time for the band to concede that they 
might benefit from someone  coming in and cracking the whip a  bit.         
Just a thought.    -Carl P.
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