[kj] You guys are kind of bumming me out
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 17 02:24:33 EDT 2006
I like Richochet and I really like Last To Know as
well. The whole album just sounds to me like a
completely different and uninteresting band. Like, if
it weren't a FNM album, i really wouldn't give much of
a shit about it. Whereas Angel Dust sounded completely
different than anything they'd done up until then, it
still had that signature FNM stamp on it.
--- Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> KFAD has some bad songs on it, but a lot of decent
> ones. For me it's not as good as either Angel Dust
> or Album of the Year, but there are some fantastic
> songs on there ('Get Out', 'Ricochet', 'What A Day'
> and 'Gentle Art' are among the best the band ever
> did). Album of the Year is pretty much solid
> throughout though.
> As for Public Image, '9' is weak, but 'Album',
> 'Happy?' and 'That What Is Not' are all fantastic
> albums. Can't go wrong with 'em.
> Jim.
> ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
> I dunno - I consider the last one to be BIG &
> SLOWER. Just different from the first three-ish. I
> can hear the Melvins in it.
> http://www.flipsidemovies.com
> http://jimharper.blogspot.com
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