[kj] OK, I'm going reply..geordie's texture & funky bounce

fluw fluwdot at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 19 13:17:15 EDT 2006

<<.I'm imagining it in slowed-down form giving Geordie more room for 
richer texture and funky bounce. (I'm not a guitarist, so pardon my 
clueless vocab). >>

*that email title sounds a bit funny...
anyway in reply to jiri's quote above:
the more frantic meter seems to be a need with so much of kj's material 
after democracy. but i 'm not so sure it isn't _just_ due to the tempos 
being employed - geordie's guitar doesn't possess the strong posture and 
majestic omni-presence it once had: he is just not using texture and 
ambiance the way he did in his youth. it's like he has less confidence 
and feels the need to overplay - the way just about every other electric 
guitarist on earth does.

must admit though, as a guitarist, i have experienced the need to play 
more notes or make more and more noise when the tone i am getting is 
fuzzy buzzy and crappy. maybe this is where the tendency comes from for 
geordie as well. when the sound that comes out of your amp does not 
possess weight and texture, and because each does not carry as much 
character or harmonic information, one tends to play with less aplomb 
and replace stoic phrasing and mature rhythmic confidence with a more 
busy and frantic approach to try and match what previous could be said 
with less.

similar i guess to when someone has laryngitis or is horse..they tend to 
put more emphasis into their speech in order to get the words out and 
the sound continues to degrade as the listener attempts to listen harder 
but finds it too difficult relate and eventually tunes the person out.

this is what i experience with listening to killing joke on recent 
albums: that i am making a concerted effort to listen and look for 
things i like in a stilted or conscious way, but i am not listening and 
experiencing emotions the way i would if the music drew me into it, or 
inspired me to hear the music in a more natural passive state.  frankly 
it is work listening to the last two records

Jiri wrote:
> Nah, more saying that they shoot their speed wad with Pssyche, The 
> Wait, Asteroid (the last of which bores me to tears but unfortunately 
> must be played, it seems), and so the old farts can't fit anything 
> else in between their Total Invasion/Requiem rest breaks. But of 
> course I'm just talking out my arse anyway.
> Seriously, though, the Raven comments about Implosion originally being 
> slower (before Jaz's demands of "faster faster speed it up") have me 
> wondering...I'm imagining it in slowed-down form giving Geordie more 
> room for richer texture and funky bounce. (I'm not a guitarist, so 
> pardon my clueless vocab).
> Jpwhkj at aol.com wrote:
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